Lee, the iconic denim brand, has embarked on a groundbreaking journey in collaboration with renowned couturier Suneet Varma and Ace...
Circularity has been discussed by Dame Ellen MacArthur since 2010, although the concept has only lately gained popularity. After retiring...
It’s always difficult to find the right jeans whose measures meet their branding. Consumers, designers, and suppliers have all been working together...
Finally, the biggest Japanese fashion retailer is going to debut in India and mark its entry with the opening of...
ASEAN region comprises countries like Brunei, Burma(Myanmar), Cambodia , Indonesia , Laos, Malaysia, Philippines , Singapore and Thailand . These...
The Levi’s® Fall/Winter 2012 collection is based on a refined and tailored look, for both men and women inspired...
The fashion industry has put in a lot of work in recent years to digitally convert and adapt fashion to...
Continuing with the sustainable progress of denim brands, we provide you with some more brands that design jeans with eco-wise...
Earlier this year, Levi’s introduced its first-ever Machine Learning (ML) Bootcamp, which drew industry-wide acclaim and piqued the curiosity of...
Swedish Fashion Retailer – H&M’s sales increased by 3% to USD 19,669 Million (SEK 178,817 m) during the first nine...
Paris born Marie Sophie Lockhart has earned a spot in showrooms of Browns in London as well as a collaboration...
Levi’s India has recently launched a pilot promotion programme under which they are selling their Jeans in Bangalore...