The African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) is a United States Trade Act, enacted on 18 May 2000 as Public...
Even after the cancellation of much awaited TPP between USA and Vietnam , Vietnam is still an important player in...
SN. Particulars 1. Table showing the imports of All Denim Apparel into EU from Mauritius for 2014 to 2016...
In this report , we are bringing information on important buyers of denim fabrics from India . Bangladesh is a...
In our previous report , we did a detailed analysis of Major Buyers Of Columbian Denim Industry for the period...
Table of Content S.NO. Particulars 1 Table showing the Total Denim Imported Into Bangladesh from India along with the Average...
Table of contents S N. Particulars 1. Table showing the imports of All Denim Apparel into EU from Morocco...
Table Of Content S N. Particulars 1. Table showing the list of top 9 buyers of Colombia for...
S.No Particulars 1. Table Showing the Import of All Denim Apparel (million pcs) into USA from Cambodia for 2014-2016...
Denim has one of the main booming textile segments in India in the last one decade. Where the capacity of...
Table of Content S.NO. Particulars 1 Table showing the list of top exporting countries for the period of January ’16-December’16...
In 2015, men’s jeans and women’s jeans saw similar growth rates with 6% volume rises. The increasing number of workplaces...