For over 100 years since its invention , denim has been produced, used and had an identity as a 100% Cotton product. It was the essential character of the fabric. However, over last more than 2 decades and specially in last 7-8 years, the basic character of this product has undergone fundamental change. Spandex , Polyesters and many other fibers have made deep inroot in this product . Inspite of spandex being used in denim for a long time, denim was still about 95-95% cotton. However, once other fibers started integrating in this industry , the scene started to change. Globally there are two categories of denim – one with more than 85% of cotton and the other will less than 85% of cotton. The first category was more than 90% even till a decade back. But things have changed and the second category with less than 85% cotton has started to become bigger and bigger.
In this article, we analyse what is the total Export of denim fabric globally. We then divide this trade in the above two mentioned categories and see how the less cotton category is growing. Then we check the exports of major countries who are exporting denim fabrics and % share of their exports in the above two categories. These countries include China, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Turkey, India , Italy and Japan. The segmentation of the data in 2017 is made with representations as per market share and export in one million US dollars by particular country in 2017. Also a comparative analysis is being done in this report to compare the export in both the categories across various countries.
Table Of Contents |
1. 7 Graphs Showing the export by top countries viz. China, Pakistan , Hong Kong , Turkey , Inida , Italy and Japan for both the categories. |
2.Graph Showing the list of countries exporting Cloth with a cotton content higher than 85% or more over the period of last 5 years |
3.Graph Showing the list of countries exporting Cloth with Fabric with a cotton content of less than 85% over the period of last 5 years |
4.Pie Chart showing the Market Share Of All Countries exporting Cloth with a cotton content higher than 85% or more in 2017 |
5.Pie Chart Showing the Market Share Of All Countries exporting Cloth with a Fabric with a cotton content of less than 85%in 2017 |
6.Line Graph shwoing the Combined Commodity Export Analysis for the Year 2017 Across Various Countries |
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