Japan , inspite of its high costs remains an important jeans production region specifically with regard to their own consumption. Fabrics are produced in various small and large mills in Japan and used for conversion into jeans as well as exported. Some quantities are also imported from other countries like China, Korea, US, Turkey, Taiwan etc. In this report we will analyse the imports of denim fabrics into Japan in 2013 (till Sept) as compared to same period in 2012 . The contents of the report are :
a) Quantities of denim fabric imported into Japan in 2012 and 2013 during Jan – Sept .
b) Values and prices of these fabrics : Perception of prices in Japan might be stereotyped and we see quite a wide range of price spectrum being covered on the fabrics imported from different origins. There is a marked difference in average prices of imports during 2012 and 2013.
c) Exporting countries and their share in this export . We will also look at their respective av.prices of exports. They vary from very low stock prices to high value prices from some origins.
d)Top exporting countries – it is interesting to see that 2-3 countries dominate the exports to Japan and have over 85% of the market. One of the countries which hardly exported any denim to Japan in 2012 , exported the second highest qty of fabrics in 2013.
d) Average ounce of fabric imported and ounce of fabrics from each origin country : Origin seems to be affecting the kind of fabric weights imported. The average weight of fabrics seems to be quite different for different origins . While some countries are exporting high value fabrics in 6-8oz range, others export 11oz + fabrics.
e) Total value of denim fabric imported during this period.
f) Graph showing relative quantities and prices in 2013 and 2012
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