Women Jeans Exports From US :2012 and 2013

Denim jeans are not only imported into US but also exported around the world from US . Many of these jeans are manufactured in US itself , while some others might be re-exported. In this report we will concentrate on the women’s denim jeans exports from the US to around the world. It is note worthy that the exports of all jeans out of US fell by 5.6% in 2013 compared to 2012. We will see:

  1. The quantity of women blue denim jeans exported from US in 2012 and 2013.
  2. The average price of such jeans exported will be available in a table showing country wise details.
  3. The mkt share of  top 10 countries shall be available for both 2012 and 2013.
  4. Total exports of men’s and women’s jeans in 2013 vs that of 2012 in a graph along with other graphs.


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